Monday, July 20, 2015

Forever long

It's been awhile. Forever long! Life has changed so much since I last blogged. It's kinda sad just how much has changed. I used to love blogging. I guess life just got in the way. 

So what all has happens since fall 2012? In February 2013 we bought a house. A 4 bed, 2 bath, bilevel beautiful house! I painted the door red pretty quickly after moving in. I love my red door. I love my house! 

Fast forward a little over a year - June 9th, 2014 our lives completely changed! 1:24am our son Michael came into this world! My life has never been the same. And I wouldn't have it any other way. 

So life is a little different now. I obviously still love my role as wife, but now it's wife and Mom. So Happily Ever After has taken a different turn then when I started this blog. Dan and I got married with the assumption that we would have children so it's no surprise at all, but it's funny to think that 3 short years ago we were newlyweds with lots ahead of us. Now we're homeowners and parents and my focus is less on weddings and more on family and what makes me family work. I love where my life is and I'm excited to start anew on this blog! I hope you are too! 

                    Michael at 1 year 

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