I’ve been doing the check lists of everything that needs to
be changed. Next step is at work. I have
the paperwork ready to go, just need my social security card to change that. The
biggest help has been a blog I found via pintrest.This post is all about after
the wedding. Many things I didn’t even think about! Also was a good place to
start with changing my name. She is very right about finding your maiden name
in a lot of places randomly. My mom even pointed out that my voicemail still
had my maiden name. She of course then left a message saying that she had the
wrong number after I changed it.
I also need to change my bank information to reflect my new
name. Honestly, I think Danial and I did
the money thing right, we joined our money together right before we got
engaged. Combining money was a little hard at first because it was a little
hard to go from budgeting for one to budgeting for 2. The hardest for me was
letting go of control. Danial is an accountant so of course he really needs to
be in charge of the finances. I really love that we found the roles with the
money right away so that as a married couple we already have that foundation.
It also made it really easy to save and spend for the wedding. That I would say
would be my biggest tip for brides: figure out money as soon as you get engaged
or before! Your life as a bride and a new wife (and your groom) will be so much
easier that way.
Right now, my biggest role is “suzy homemaker”. As a teacher
I work hard for 9.5 months out of the year (as a theatre teacher I have some
close to 60 hour weeks) and have about 3 months off to recoup. When we have
kids I think I’ll love having that 24 hour time with them. For now though I get
to hang out, run errands, keep the house clean, cook, and bake. Sometimes the
lazy side of me comes out during breaks where the couch is my best friend for
the whole day, other times I am all about cooking and cleaning. My grandparents
on my mom’s side got us a kitchen aid mixer for our wedding present and so
baking right now is a LOT of fun for me. Not so good on the waist line though. I’m
enjoying being a housewife right now and not ready for it to end, but I know
come August I’ll be very ready to be back at work.
I’m still trying to find normal again though. Right before
the wedding I had a very good routine with getting up, working out, and
starting the day. I haven’t worked out since the week of the wedding! I REALLY
need to get back to the gym, but with trying to find a normal in the apartment,
seeing some people, and trying to wait in lines early for paperwork it’s been a
little hard. And yes, some excuses have come in as well. My goal is to get back
in the routine by the end of the week. And hopefully I can start getting some cards
and paperwork done by the end of next week!
My name is legally changed
though and now it’s just waiting for cards to come in to complete everything
else. My goal is to have it ALL done before I start back up at work on August
16. We’ll see.
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