Wednesday, September 26, 2012

3 months

I knew it had been awhile since I blogged, but I didn’t realize just how long it had been.

So today is September 26, 2012 which means Dan and I have been married for 3 months and 2 days. All is still well and the newly wed sprit is still there, I’m just not here (home) as often. I went back to work again and its as busy (if not busier) as ever. This year on top of the teaching and play directing I am also co-sponsor for student council. I love it and have a great teacher that co-sponsors with me, but it does take more time away from home. Dan comes with me to some events though and we try to make it out to many of the sporting events at the school. That’s one thing he’s always been willing to do and one of the many things I love about him. My students love it to! He’s practically a celebrity when we walk in anywhere. They call him “Manycandy” so we hear “Oooo its Campbell [Hixon if they remember] and Mancandy” whenever we walk in to a school event. It cracks me up! At least they know we care.

Despite my busy schedule I’ve been trying my hardest to be Mrs. Suzy Homemaker. Its actually been really fun planning and fixing meals. Some days it just doesn’t happen. Others I make some awesome stuff. The other night I used some cinnamon pear balsamic vinegar to make some pork chops. They were VERY good! Currently there are chia pumpkin cookies in the oven (although mainly making them for my Dad who LOVES both chia tea and pumpkin anything). Another find from Pintrest (which that is a link to the exact pin I have) that is so good.

On a healthier note, I’m very proud of Dan and I. We haven’t done much in the fitness world since the wedding. I tried to get in the gym throughout the summer, but it just didn’t seem to happen. Well Monday we decided that enough was enough and we weren’t allowed to sit on our rump all the time so we became members at the family fun plex down the way from us. They have an indoor pool, basketball courts, an indoor track, and a workout room plus we can go to another location that has a bit more (kind of like a YMCA type gym). We have gone twice in one week and I’m hoping to make it there at least 3 times a week to do some kind of work out. It’s good for us to be working out and having the routine. Although rehearsals are starting so there will be points that it may not be possible, but I’m sure going to try!

Well cookies are almost done and then its bed time! Another day of work tomorrow and then Friday! Defiantly looking forward to the weekend!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Married Life

Well gosh…I guess it’s been longer than I thought since my last blog. I guess the end of summer ended up being busy.

We finally got our pictures so I was able to print some and get some on Facebook. I’ve really enjoyed sharing these with everyone. We also got a book from shutterfly with some of our pictures and I love it! Brides or brides to be, you’ll get a few things for free photo books from – use them! You pay maybe $8 for shipping and you get a really pretty book to put on your coffee table. I also FINALLY got our thank you cards printed, written and sent. I really like them! I also love the feedback we’ve been getting from everyone about them. I got the idea from Pintrest, but we had our photographer take this picture:

And then I went on the Walgreen’s website and had the picture made into cards – it even came with envelopes. Brides to be, we’ve got a lot of great comments about how great the idea is and we feel like we were really able to make it personal this way (they weren’t really expensive either). We just told our photographer about the idea and then my best friend Rachel made the sign for me (she’s a lot more crafter than I am and MUCH better at it). For the record, we did write personal notes for each thank you we sent out. We didn't just send a picture and call it good.
So I went back to work on Thursday (although I was in the building on and off throughout the last couple of weeks). I’ve seen a few students already, but officially students will start on Tuesday with freshman coming Monday. It’s been fun having people ask how the wedding was and what my new name is. The students I have seen are having a hard time with remembering my maiden name. I figure it’ll take about 4 years until I’m one name. I can see where they have some difficulty with it too. They have known me for 2 years as Ms. Campbell. Now I’m MRS. Hixon. It’s different. Eventually I won’t even think about it – I’m already used to signing my new name (especially now that EVERY card and things I need to sign is under Hixon), but for right now I’m really having to think about my name. I thought about my mom for some reason. I only know her as a Campbell, but obviously she had to make this transition and Dan’s mom did as well. I’m very proud to sport my husband’s name, but it’ll take me some time to totally be used to it. You don’t go 24 years with a name and then be used to it being changed overnight I guess.
The one question I’ve been getting a lot recently that I’m never sure exactly how to answer is: “How’s married life?” I really want to say, “Normal” or “Is it supposed to be different?” Danial is the love of my life and I LOVE being married to him. It’s wonderful to say I’m his wife (although it still sounds a little weird), but it feels normal. Obviously some things were a bit of a transition, but otherwise it’s normal. In fact it’s what Dan and I have been planning for well over a year. I generally have been saying that married life is wonderful or making a joke along the lines of “Well, I haven’t killed him yet…”
We are still learning about each other though. My birthday (#25…eeek) is the 23rd. Dan gets excited about his gifts (we have this in common) so I generally always have gift ahead of the gifting event. This birthday was no exception. He got me a Coach Phone cover and a purse. “It’s kinda like a Coach purse” he said. Oh boy…I LOVE the cover. It’s a black cover with multi-colored “C’s” all around – super cute. The purse though…he tried. He knows I love shoes and purses and after having my third knee surgery some of my shoe love has had to be tamed down.  I love Coach Purses, but they can be expensive – even when I buy them from the outlet store. So he was trying to find something I love and can use while we can still watch our spending, but it just reminded me of a mom purse. I tried it, and I felt so bad I didn’t want to say that I didn’t like it (especially because he was also trying to cheer me up), but it just wasn’t me. So we took it back today and he said I can do whatever with the money. I love him for trying and he didn’t do horrible, but it wasn’t exactly what I wanted. So we are still learning and I wouldn’t be opposed to him buying me a purse again.
Now it’s back to “real” life. My days are going to get busy quickly, but I think Dan and I both are very excited about me getting back to work. As he said, it’s nice for him to come home to me, but it’s really nice for him to come home to me and have more to talk to me about other than his day at work. We’re also excited about seeing the kids during school and school events. We try to get to a lot of school events and games normally, but this year I am co-sponsoring student council so we’re REALLY going to at events this year! I think we’re both excited about it, but like I said earlier BUSY!! Luckily I have a husband who is a HUGE support and loves being a part of the school. Me going back to work also means it’s almost FOOTBALL season!! We’re huge Broncos fans so we’re pumped! We’re also excited to watch college and the high school football. I’m really focused on the cool fall nights! SO ready for that!
Here are a few wedding pictures to share that we love! We SO love our photographer.I might share more later.... 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I have some time to kill and it’s been awhile since I blogged. What a better excuse to right?

Currently I’m sitting in my dorm room at Colorado State University. No, I didn’t enroll suddenly. This next year I’m cosponsoring the student council at school. This week there is a “Boot Camp” for future leaders and their sponsors. I started out the morning all over the place. I couldn’t find where I needed to go then I couldn’t find my students, my name tag, or my room. It was a zoo. I kept texting the other sponsor asking her what she got me into. When I was finally able to settle in a little more with the other sponsors I found myself relaxing and really learning. I’ve already happily taken a page of notes and I’ve only been to 2 sessions - lots of good things for the upcoming school year! Tonight I have to look forward to this wonderful room I’m in with a two separate twin beds, a bathroom the size of a closet, totally bare, and I think even smaller than my dorm room. My worry is that I may roll off the bed at one point. I sure will miss Dan though. I’ve gotten used to having him there every night.
Married life has been great. We’ve been married exactly a month today. I finally picked my pictures from the wedding we want our photographer to print. I’m so anxious to get them. I need to get thank you cards out – I promise they will be sent out before my birthday, we just had a little glitch with them. Most of my stuff has been changed over to my new name, although I still have to get used to that. I had to go to the doctor’s office the other day (no I’m not pregnant for anyone who got that idea)and when asked my name I said my maiden name – which is fine because my insurance card is still in that name, but I stumbled. I’m getting it though! The students that are with me keep trying and forgetting my married name. One said “I don’t care! It’s not going to happen.” Ha ha! But my papers all came in so legally its changed. Last things I need to change are my credit and bank cards. Everything else is just about done. Although I’m sure there will be little ones here and there. It all went really easy.
To be honest though, I think part of me put off blogging for a little while. Obviously, living in Colorado, there’s a lot of thoughts going round about Aurora and I think I was almost scared to blog. I do want to touch a little about it. That horrific night I was having a hard time sleeping. Dan had taken his little brother and his friend to the Batman marathon which concluded with the premier. I rolled over thinking too much to see a Facebook post about a shooting at the premier. I don’t know if I was not in the right mind set, but I didn’t see where at first. I was sick. I sprang up and searched where it was. I got out of bed a little before 3 after reading all that I could about it. The news was on and already at the movie theatre. I texted my friends I new were at the show, but at a different theatre insisting they text me when they were home. I then text a friend I knew lived in Aurora. “…Please tell me you didn’t go see dark knight in Aurora. Tell me you’re okay!” was the message I sent him. I was sick. I passed the floor watching the news and looking out the window for Dan. I knew he and the boys were fine, but I just needed to see them. When they walked through the door they were all a little stunned to see me awake and I was very happy to see them. Their faces fell when they saw the news on the TV. The whole thing was just heart breaking and stunning. Somehow we managed to turn off the TV and go to bed for a bit. My friend texted me back about 5am saying he had to work at 6 and was fine – thank God! My friend in Canada texted me shortly after to see if I was okay – I couldn’t believe it became international news that quickly. This act of evil is horrific and frightening. My thoughts and prayers go out to each person affect by this. Around Colorado and where I grew up (about 15 minutes from Columbine) anything like this seems to open up old wounds. It hurts to see friends struggle with this. As soon as something like this happens, the Columbine shootings are brought up. It’s hard to think about. Life is so precious. I’ve had to turn off the news and force myself to not click on news reports – it is all too sad.
As Dan’s Mom said, I was relieved he was okay, but then I almost felt guilty. Someone lost a husband, a son, a daughter, a friend and here I am feeling thankful that everyone I know is okay. Above all, hug your loved ones, be thankful they are with you, and remember those lost.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


No one tells you the paperwork that goes with getting married – at least for the bride! We now have 2 pieces of paper for our marriage license and then I have a paper to confirm a new social security card is coming, a paper saying a driver’s license is coming, and a new credit card coming all with my new name.  Organization is key.

I’ve been doing the check lists of everything that needs to be changed.  Next step is at work. I have the paperwork ready to go, just need my social security card to change that. The biggest help has been a blog I found via pintrest.This post is all about after the wedding. Many things I didn’t even think about! Also was a good place to start with changing my name. She is very right about finding your maiden name in a lot of places randomly. My mom even pointed out that my voicemail still had my maiden name. She of course then left a message saying that she had the wrong number after I changed it.
I also need to change my bank information to reflect my new name.  Honestly, I think Danial and I did the money thing right, we joined our money together right before we got engaged. Combining money was a little hard at first because it was a little hard to go from budgeting for one to budgeting for 2. The hardest for me was letting go of control. Danial is an accountant so of course he really needs to be in charge of the finances. I really love that we found the roles with the money right away so that as a married couple we already have that foundation. It also made it really easy to save and spend for the wedding. That I would say would be my biggest tip for brides: figure out money as soon as you get engaged or before! Your life as a bride and a new wife (and your groom) will be so much easier that way.
Right now, my biggest role is “suzy homemaker”. As a teacher I work hard for 9.5 months out of the year (as a theatre teacher I have some close to 60 hour weeks) and have about 3 months off to recoup. When we have kids I think I’ll love having that 24 hour time with them. For now though I get to hang out, run errands, keep the house clean, cook, and bake. Sometimes the lazy side of me comes out during breaks where the couch is my best friend for the whole day, other times I am all about cooking and cleaning. My grandparents on my mom’s side got us a kitchen aid mixer for our wedding present and so baking right now is a LOT of fun for me. Not so good on the waist line though. I’m enjoying being a housewife right now and not ready for it to end, but I know come August I’ll be very ready to be back at work.
I’m still trying to find normal again though. Right before the wedding I had a very good routine with getting up, working out, and starting the day. I haven’t worked out since the week of the wedding! I REALLY need to get back to the gym, but with trying to find a normal in the apartment, seeing some people, and trying to wait in lines early for paperwork it’s been a little hard. And yes, some excuses have come in as well. My goal is to get back in the routine by the end of the week.  And hopefully I can start getting some cards and paperwork done by the end of next week!
 My name is legally changed though and now it’s just waiting for cards to come in to complete everything else. My goal is to have it ALL done before I start back up at work on August 16. We’ll see.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Holiday, Honeymoon, and Normal

Well Danial and I have now celebrated our first holiday as a married couple. For the 4th of July we started the day at the parade, it was a little disappointing – a lot of walking advertisements and not a lot of floats. I think Dan and I decided we’re going to hold off on the parade until we have kids. Dan then took me out to breakfast – a nice treat with my husband. Then a few friends came over and we played in the pool most of the day. I kept laughing because the adults seemed to be playing more than the kids were. We got out of the pool, had some dinner, and then headed over to the jail to watch some fireworks! Believe it or not, the best place to watch fireworks all over northern Colorado and the Stampede ones as well is behind the jail at this open field. It was a lot of fun. The Greeley Stampede fireworks were a lot better this year. So it was successful, although I wasn’t concerned about it. I hated that Dan had to go back to work the next day though.

I think I got a little spoiled after our wedding. Dan had the whole week off after our wedding off and it was so nice to have him around. We right away went off to Vegas the Sunday morning after our wedding and we were there until early Thursday. We had so much fun in Las Vegas! We saw so much stuff, but I still feel like we miss some stuff. My absolute favorite part of our trip was our amazing dinner at the Eiffel Tower restaurant. Dan decided that we needed to celebrate together just the two of us. Although it was a little pricey, it was DELICIOUS! Probably one of the best meals I’ve ever had, which is saying something considering how great of a cook my mom is. Plus the atmosphere didn’t hurt nor the view of the Bellagio fountains. It was so nice just to sight see with Dan and relax with him. I really feel like I learned even more about him on that trip and even fell in love with him more. I’m not even totally sure what it was the made me feel that way – it was just really nice.
When we got home it was time to figure things. Where was everything supposed to go? We were so spoiled with all of our wedding presents! We had stuff all over our apartment. We even bought some things to add to the madness! We did really well working together to put our apartment together. I am actually really proud of it to. As I told my mom, we have a very “adult” apartment. I was so glad we had a few days to do that after coming back from our honeymoon. That way we could find normal again before Dan went back to work.
My mom asked me how it felt to be married over a week and I thought about it (and thought about it after I answered to) and said “It feels normal.” And it really does. It feels a little different and calling Dan my husband instead of my fiancée or my boyfriend is taking some time for me to get used to. But it feels normal to be married to Dan – it feels right. That has to be good!  I love the man very much! I’m very excited for our life ahead of us. And hopefully many vacations to come!
The plate infront of us when we sat down

Our View from the resturant

At the aquarium at Mandalay Bay

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Our Wedding

Wow! Where did last week go? Dan and I have been married for a week and the days already! So let me catch up.

Thursday night I went out with my bridesmaids for a little bachelorette party! SO much fun! We went out for dinner and then went to a poll dancing class. I was a little worried, but I was pleasantly surprised by it. Our instructor focused on the strength of the workout and didn’t make it all about the naughtiness. It was a lot of fun! We went out for a little while afterwards, but the class really took it out of us! Danial and his groomsmen also went out on Thursday. He said they had a lot of fun. All I know is they bowled drank, and I think maybe watched some sports. No strippers! J

Friday was the rehearsal followed by dinner which I touched on in my previous post. It was awesome! And the rehearsal itself went quick. I did lose it a little at the venue – it was just nerves and everything coming up to a head.

Saturday I woke up excited and ready to get married. There were a few little things that made me nervous. The temperature was set to be 105 that day – although it didn’t get there. Our venue was nice enough to put out some water for free for the guest! So sweet! All of Mom’s cousins came for breakfast which was AWESOME! I loved that I got a little more time to just hang out with them. The bridesmaids came at noon for lunch along with some of Dan’s family and then everything was go go go. I didn’t keep with the calm bride very well, sadly. As soon as my veil went on I lost it – tears came. There were a few frustrations and change of plans leading up to the ceremony, but I felt so good when my dress was on and everything was finally coming together. I waited in my dressing room while everyone lined up so Dan and I had our moment as I walked down the aisle – the first time he saw me in my dress and all day. I caught a glimpse of his back as I peeked out. The feeling of waiting was unexplainable. Nerves, excitement, wonder, amazement – just everything went through my brain. When the bridal march started I took a deep breath and my Dad escorted me down. Looking at Dan in his tux was…wow! And he even got a little teary eyed. Our ceremony was quick, but beautiful. It was so nice to be married in front of all our friends and family. It was unbelievably perfect. We had some much fun taking pictures – which I’ll post when we get more than just previews. Our grand entrance with our bridal party was like a introduction at a football game – a total surprise for everyone, but me. Dan and many others loved it while others didn’t, but for me it was awesome to surprise my husband with something I knew he’d love.

The reception flew by, but was a BLAST! It seemed like everyone got up and danced and enjoyed. The first dances were a great way to kick that off. Dan and I started with Rascall Flatt’s “God Bless the Broken Road” and then he and his mom danced to Leanne Womack’s “I Hope You Dance.” I was SUPER pleased that everyone loved my dad and my dance though. This was the main surprise I talked about in my previous blog. My dad came up with the idea for us to do a mixed dance. As he put it “We’re not serious so why should we dance a slow song.” I’m hoping to be able to share a video soon. We choreographed a 3 minute dance and then called everyone out with us!

Our wedding was beautiful and we loved it. We really hope that our guests enjoyed it. We are really blessed to have everyone there.

 I "stole" some pictures from my friend Kristi. This is rehearsal befores. She bought me the cutest balloon and put it on a starbucks that said "The Bride"!

Every girls dream - double doors open up to the aisle to your groom! Perfect!

We're married!!! Best feeling and day of my life!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Today is THE day!!

So this is going to be short and sweet!


I can't believe its here! One year of planning and then Wham! Its here! I think Dan and I both can't believe it, but also are SO ready to get this going!

Last night was the rehersal and dinner. We had everyone at my mom's house and Dan's parents catered in food. It was so nice having everyone hanging out and enjoying time together. Especially the Hale gang whom I haven't seen in a long time! At one point I looked around as the group was primarly the Hale family (mixed with the 3 Campbells, 2 Hixons, and 2 Goodalls) and caught my Dad's eye. I mouthed "This is so nice" to him. He grinned and nodded his head. It really was.

And the excitment for the day today and replaying everything from yesterday made it hard to fall asleep. It was after midnight before I finally fell asleep. And sleeping in really wasn't an option. I tried to fall back asleep, but instead my brain started thinking about today.

So goodbye for now. I'll be writing agsin when I'm a MRS!! Tonight is going to be FANTASTIC!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Amazing! Amazing vendors!

I’m just amazed. I can’t believe how awesome people can be – and that’s a serious statement! I said in my previous post how all the vendors have been calling to double check things and confirm everything – amazing, amazing people we have helping us put this day on. Every one of them have been very sure of asking if we’re happy and getting what we want. Our wonderful flourist even gave my mom a hug yesterday just because. The photographer called Sunday to make sure she had the time all set up and said she was really excited to work with us again.

And our wonderful DJ spent almost 40 minutes on the phone with me today going through every little detail! I’m so excited to have him and the company with as our DJ – he’s made it truly enjoyable and has really helped with our budget. Any Colorado brides reading this: click on the DJ link and check them out. I SERIOUSLY recommend them! (Check out the other links too)

I haven’t heard much from the bakery for our cake, but I did get a confirmation email saying they were excited. And that cake is going to be AMAZING!! Dan and I keep joking that we’re going to face plant into the cake!

I really appreciate everyone being so positive and easy to work with and everyone is so willing to do anything for us! Thank you! I think it’s making it all easy! Everyone is really relaxed, even my mom which is a REALLY good sign!

So I’m in Denver now. Got down early this morning and gave my Dad his Father’s Day Gift. I am officially the best daughter ever (not that I wasn’t before). I got my dad a three disc set of Avatar (which is his new obsession) and a gift card for his Nook. When I got here he was about to mow the lawn, but I could tell he really wanted to watch the movie and play with his Nook so I offered to mow the lawn for him. I really didn’t mind much – it’s not too hard of a chore and my Dad has done so much for me this past year or so that I really wanted to. Plus, with the incline on my parent’s yard it’s a pretty good workout. I put some Ozzy Osborn radio on with Pandora and rocked it out. Before I knew it I was done and got it before the trash man came! Wooo! My Dad is a really great Dad who has done a lot of “Whatever you want” for the wedding stuff so I’m really happy I could help him and give him some time to enjoy something he really likes. Which he took about an hour break from and is currently back to watching the movie.

Oh and while I’m thinking about it: today is my Great Aunt (Tante) Trudy’s birthday! I was really happy I could call her and wish her a great one today! I get to see her TOMORROW! I hardly ever get to see her around her Birthday so I cannot wait to give her a great big hug and kiss!

This weekend is going to be so much fun! The BEST weekend of my life as far as I’m concerned! With just about everything done for the wedding as well, everything leading up to it should be pretty easy and fun!

Countdown: 3 days, 2 hours, 44 minutes at 2:45 pm! :-)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Last day in Greeley

So today was my last day in Greeley as a single lady (I bet a lot of you started thinking about the Beyoncé song now). Tomorrow morning I’m going to head down to Denver and won’t return to Greeley until I’m a married woman. Dan and I went through everything this evening and I think we have everything packed and ready. All the things that will be packed into my car are sitting by the door. A few bags of remaining wedding things, my “bride” bag, and then my honeymoon bag all line the walls around the door. Daisy, our puppy, knows something is up. She wouldn’t leave my side for a good hour until I sat down for longer than ten minutes.

I pulled up my countdown this evening – 4 days and 20 hours when I looked. Wow!!! My phone has been ringing off the hook. I think just about every vendor has called to confirm everything. Our florist got the mason jars I dyed thanks to my mom taking them over there today.

My plan is to get to Denver and relax the rest of the way. No idea if this will happen, but I’m sure going to try. My biggest worry about this week is that I would stress like crazy and get pimples! Well, very little stress thus far and no pimples so far. Hopefully that keeps up!

That to do list I mentioned awhile back that I had to get out of bed and write – I looked over it today and have one thing left. I’ll be finishing that one thing in Denver too! It feels so good to have everything done! As I’ve said to a few people now, at this point whatever isn’t done wasn’t meant to happen. It’s going to be a great day!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Video killed the blogger...

Enjoy a video today! I discovered I could do this and I wanted to
show my hair off a bit so enjoy!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

This whole wedding thing is coming up...

Well…as Danial has said a few times, “So this wedding thing is really going to happen huh?”  So we’re really getting married and it will be at the end of this week. Wow…just wow! We are now in the same week as our wedding. I can’t even believe it. Almost a year of planning and now we’re here.

Today Dan and I went over to his Mom and Step-Dad’s house to spend some father’s day time with them. I unfortunately do not get to see my Dad today – HAPPY FATHER’S DAY DAD! My dad had to work today. But tomorrow starts his 2 week vacation so we’re going to celebrate on Wednesday which I’m greatly looking forward to.

Wednesday morning I’m going to head to Denver and I won’t come back until I’m Mrs. Kendra Hixon. Craziness!! So the plan for Monday and Tuesday is finishing up laundry, packing (for Vegas and for Denver), get my nails done, finishing up last minute things for the wedding, and figuring out my hair for the big day. There really isn’t a whole lot I can do at this point. There are a few things I’ll need to do once I get down to Denver (like put finishing touches on the little things I have down there), but otherwise that’s about it. As I’ve said before, we’re just ready to be married. Dan’s been making lots of jokes about having cold feet and what not, but he ultimately is really excited. He’s doing a countdown on his Facebook. There is a lot for us to look forward to this week – from events to just seeing our friends and family.

So as I sit here with Dan’s foot in my face (sadly not joke – I took his seat and spread out on the couch so I’m getting pay back), I’m feeling a little disturbed (because of his foot), but very calm. Our day will be perfect no matter what and we have a lot of people to thank for that. We’re excited to celebrate and share this special day. It’s coming up quick!! I still can’t believe I’m a bride!
Just a little bit longer...

A few of the flowers that will be somewhere in the wedding. The flowers will be SO pretty!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

8 Day!

One week from today my family from Oklahoma will begin heading into Colorado. Dan’s best friend, Seth, and his family will also be coming to Colorado. I’m SO excited to see them all. Last summer Dan and I made a trip to Oklahoma to visit Seth and then to my Great Aunt Trudy (Tante Trudy as I know her – Tante means Aunt in German) so it hasn’t been long since we’ve seen some of them. Others – it’s been years! I might have been in middle school the last time I saw my second cousin Kristina. Honestly Kristina – if you read this – Mom is so very excited about seeing you! I can’t believe how long it’s been so long! She’s anxious to see the whole Hale gang and can’t wait for “y’all” to get here.

So the list is getting shorter and shorter and I think everyone is getting more excited. Everything is coming together. We saw some of Dan’s family last night and it was so weird saying goodbye knowing we wouldn’t see them again until our wedding. 8 days left! It’s so hard to believe that almost a year of planning has come down to a week. My bridesmaids keep texting me with the count down. Amanda’s even included an “Eeeek” today! We’re so excited to celebrate with all of our wonderful friends and family that can attend!
Rachel, my matron of honor, did my hair today with some highlights. A big change, but (especially since I know that Rachel will read this) it’s a very cute change. Dan says it’ll take some getting used to, but he likes it. I’ll post pictures later – I think I should probably show my Mom before I show the world. We’re off to meet my college roommate, friend, and bridesmaid Steph for a few drinks and maybe some munchies. I’m anxious to see what she thinks.
Time for me to put finishing touches on the pretty bride look! :-)
My countdown says: 7 days, 21 hours, 48 minutes....and counting...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

And The List Goes On

So last night I laid down to go to bed and rather than drifting off to sleep nicely, my brain started thinking. It officially hit me that we have now less than 2 weeks away. Its finally here! Wow! Just wow! I mean of course I knew how close it was, but it REALLY hit me last night. And then after that official realization came the list in my head. What needed to still be done and what had to wait until that day and who could I get to help me and blah blah blah. I got going in my head so much that I finally just got up and wrote all my thoughts down. Some was basic like pack and do laundry for Vegas – while others were bigger like “Oh shoot I forgot to buy _______”. Looking back over it this morning I realized how much I was in my head – I spelt so many words wrong.
The big thing is I need to figure out my time between stuff up here in Greeley and things in Denver. My Mom’s sewing table has become wedding central. We have so much stuff on the table! And some of that stuff I need to get to and work on. The one DIY thing I’ve done is for the centerpieces so I need to get them to our florist. For a sneak peak and to see how I did it see my pintrest!
We have gotten some stuff done though! On Friday Danial and I went and got our marriage license! It was really easy! We went to our local Records Department, showed them our IDs, gave the some information and boom! All done! So we’re officially allowed to get married according to the state. And about half of the stuff on the previous list I post has gotten done. I’m at the point where if it doesn’t get done, then it wasn’t meant to be.  My wonderful Matron of Honor and friend Rachel keeps asking me what I need. LOVE her for that. I’m sure I can just call my girls when I need some help.
Overall its coming quick! I’m so excited and ready! My dress is calling me! 11 more days!
We sent President and Mrs. Obama and invitation and got this yesterday!
For other brides wanting to do this, I got the information of where
to send the invitation here.

Friday, June 8, 2012


So two days of no blog activity – I’m sorry. I don’t know what was with me, but I had no motivation those two days really. I think I over did motivation the days before. Or maybe it was hormones or stress or not sleeping well. I don’t know. Either way I’m trying to get myself motivated today. Tanning is done and next the plan is attacking the dishes and laundry I put off. I need to get the last of wedding checks out too.

I really don’t know why I’ve been a bit of a grumpy pants. I’m sorry to anyone that has been subjected to it – especially Dan, Amanda and Steph. I’ve been frustrated too. I’m feeling like there are some things I’m not getting a say in for things leading up to the wedding. I have some great friends who are trying to do nice things for me and I should just shut up and be thankful for that, but instead I’m getting frustrated. I just want everything to be perfect and for the most part everything is falling into place, but it’s the things I can’t control that are getting to me. I emailed all the vendors on Tuesday and most of them said, “I’ll call you the week of” and I really want to say, “Can we do it now?” Am I being a bit of a Birdezilla? I just feel like that week will be insane and busy. I think we have family coming in Wednesday or Thursday; Thursday is my bachelorette party and Dan’s bachelor party; Friday is the rehearsal and dinner; and of course Saturday being the big day! Okay, I’m breathing. It’s pretty much all done! Very little left to do! I think I need to breathe a bit more and take some more faith in my bridesmaids, friends, and family helping me. Breathing…I promise.

The wedding is 2 weeks away as of tomorrow! 15 more days! I think things are sinking in more. It’s becoming more of a focus with conversation between Dan and I. Two weeks and then married life! And Vegas – can’t forget about that. I think my parents are really looking forward to it too. They are taking 2 weeks of vacation off for the wedding – the week of and the week after. They just bought a new car (Chevy Cruz Eco – super nice car) so I think Dad really wants to get out of town after the wedding. He brought up driving out to Las Vegas to which I said, “Fine! It’s a big place. I’m sure we won’t run into each other!”

Speaking of my Dad – he’s looking forward to doing some dancing at the wedding so I hope everyone coming can keep up with him. You wouldn’t want a 60 year-old-man showing you up now would you? Mom and Dad love to dance though. Every dress has needed to be tested out for proper dancing ability – even mine.

I’m feeling better. Maybe I just needed to get some of my worries and frustrations out. I have two weeks without work to get a lot of things done. I really don’t need to panic. I’ve got back up too! We’re really looking forward to an amazing day, no need to stress about that right?
Another one of my favorite engagement pictures

Countdown as of 10:30 today!! :-)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Wedding time on my mind

I feel rather accomplished today. I’ve already done the dishes, had breakfast, went to the gym, tanned, and started laundry (yes I know, GTL for all the Jersey Shore fans…not that I am one) and it’s not even 10am! And despite feeling super overwhelmed yesterday, I got a lot done.
I ended the day yesterday by looking through the cookbooks I got on Sunday. I’m SO excited!! My mom made one with a few of her recipe’s which I love and will cherish forever. My cousin Tracy also got me a huge cookbook that seriously has EVERYTHING in it (she wasn’t kidding). Dan’s Step-Grandma (his Stepdad’s mother) got us a crock pot cookbook: 365 Days of Slow-Cooking. SUPER interesting with a lot of yummy recipes in it! She has anything from Appetizers to Dessert with pretty much EVERYTHING in between - including drinks and breads. I would have never thought you could do that in a crock pot! The open of the book starts with “The Story Behind the 365 Days of Madness” – an introduction from author, Karen Bellessa Peterson. In this introduction she explains that she got started doing this from pulling out her crockpot after a long period of not using it. She used it 2 nights in a row and challenged herself to use it a week straight. She then got the idea to try it for 365 days. Karen brought up the idea to her sister who suggested she follow her progress via a blog. She writes, “…a brilliant idea, because it gave me a reason to keep working toward my goal instead of just quitting at day forty-seven.” I was amazed by this. She started this with a blog? And she is still going! Check out the 365 Days of Crockpot blog!
As I read this introduction I thought of my own blog. My simple little blog just for me to document my own thoughts and the going on of the last month of wedding planning, surely no one is interested in that other than MAYBE my close friends and family. I looked at my stats on this blog expecting to see maybe 50 views…I was certainly surprised when I saw over 100 views on just 3 blog posts. I was even more surprised when I saw I had one view each from South Korea, UK, and Germany! I’m sure those people might have just accidentally stumbled onto my blog, but I can see how this whole blog thing can get huge. By no means do I think this little blog could become a book or even a movie (like Julia and Julie), but it’s nice knowing that at least someone out there is reading this.
So back to wedding stuff! I’m having dreams about the wedding day again. Last night was great – it was the day, I was in my dress, I felt beautiful and everyone was having a blast, the perfect dream for sure. Apparently that meant that the wedding was on my mind and I need to be awake and thinking at 5:45am. Fifteen minutes later I was up and going, because I was making a list of things that needed to be done and just laying in bed wasn’t getting those things done nor were they getting out of my head. So my check list is:

·         Buy cardstock for programs and thank you picture

·         Make program and thank you display

·         Confirm building entry time with outside vendors

·         Meet with DJ

·         Send checks out for DJ, Flowers, Cake, and Photographer

·         Finish ribbon details on bubbles and flower girl baskets

·         Check, check, and double check everything

·         Send final count to venue by June 14

·         Figure out dance with Dad

·         Finalize our first dance song

·         Pack for wedding week and honeymoon

Not much to do, but enough to make my head start moving this morning. Plus I was also thinking about the everyday tasks I wanted to get done today. I got this from my mom – she starts thinking about lists and things to do early in the morning as well. At least I’m not totally stressing about the list though. We have plenty of time to get everything done and having the days off with summer break will make that really easy.
Dan and I are both looking forward to the wedding. We were talking about everything last night. We both have come to the point where we both are so ready to get this wedding going. We’ve been planning for almost a year! I think a lot of people get to that point though. You plan so much for one day that you reach a point of “I’m SO ready – let’s go!” Dan says he’s ready to go on Vacation too. Really, I am too. For our honeymoon we will be going to Las Vegas! “Viva Las Vegas!” We got such a good deal on it that we couldn’t pass it up! We’re going to have to get up early though. Our flight leaves at 10am in Ft. Collins. So about an hour and a half drive and also need to plan for security time. It’ll be an EARLY day, but well worth it. I’ve never been so I’m anxious to get out there and see all I can.
Can you tell I’m just ready? It’s an exciting time and I’ll enjoy finishing the plans, but June 23rd needs to hurry. 18 more days!
As of 10:50ish today!
(This is from an app I have on my phone from Wedding Caddy)

We sent an invitation to Minnie and Mickey Mouse and got this postcard back the other day.
Still waiting on the Obama's for their response.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Bridal Shower

To say the least, yesterday was busy! So a third post had to wait until today. Sunday was my bridal shower. SO many friends and family came! I couldn’t believe all the woman that piled into my parent’s double garage (which was turned into party zone). It was pretty warm, but it was much cooler in the garage than in outside. It was a beautiful 90 degree day – and humid! But the atmosphere made up for it! Each of the women in attendance have touched our lives in some way. I felt overwhelmed with the amount of people in one space – for me! I think the greatest was seeing some of these lovely ladies who I haven’t seen in a long time. A little reunion!

My bridesmaids and mom made the event perfect with great food and just a few games. My matron of Honor, Rachel, got Dan to answer some questions before the event so we could play the newlywed game. There were only a few I didn’t get correct – I was very proud of that. We also played “How Well Do You Know Kendra” which all guest had to answer questions about me. I wasn’t surprised at all that my best friend Kristi won – lots of memories and history between us. And then came the gift opening! Oh my goodness! I couldn’t believe all the wrapping and boxes I saw on the table! I would have been just as happy if there was nothing on that table and everyone just came to celebrate, but the gifts are very much appreciated. I was really excited about the things we got, and then really overwhelmed with how “showered” I was. I feel really spoiled! I have no idea where to put everything right now!! Today is dedicated to the process of going through everything and finding a home for it! I really want to break out and use a lot of it though. I may have to make a feast for dinner or something. I don’t think I have to wait right?

Overall, it was an amazing day! Thank you to ALL my family and friends for making the day so perfect for me. I hope you all had fun and didn’t melt away! I can’t wait to celebrate further at our wedding. 19 more days!

Mom took a lot of pictures from the day, so no pictures yet. I’ll try to post some later on.  

Saturday, June 2, 2012

There's no going back.

I'm on my way back currently from meeting with the venue. I'm super excited now!! We picked such a pretty place to get married. And the owners are so organized and nice! We went through the contract and everything is "set in stone" - no turning back. Not that we ever would, although it's Danial's favorite joke right now. He keeps saying, "My feet are getting colder and colder." We're both very excited about the days ahead. 21 more days!

I touched on it a bit on my last entry, but I can't believe I'm a soon to be bride. The feelings I have are excitement (lots of that), anxious, a little nervous, and a lot of disbelief. I love Danial so much! But, I still can't believe it's my turn. :-) I'm very ready for June 23. Not much left to do and we're so ready to be married.
The only sucky thing is I wish that Dan was with us for the venue today. He didn't need to be, and he's fine with not going, but it's always nice to share things. This weekend we have something that many couples face as they come together as a family. His second cousin turned 3 today and so they're throwing a party tonight. I needed to meet with the venue way down south, plus bridal show in Denver tomorrow, and it my Dad's 60th birthday is today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DAD AND DOUGIE!! So conflicting events meant Dan stayed in Greeley and I went to Denver. So for our families we're apart this weekend which is a bummer, but I'm glad we can be a part of our families lives.

Here are a few pictures of our venue. Nothing is set up in there currently, but I think its still pretty. (Taken from my phone so I'm sorry about the quality)

Inside for reception - dance floor will be more middle

Outside where the ceromony will take place

Left side outside

Right side outside. The corner where the willow tree is there is a very pretty fountian.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Getting Going

June 1st, 2012

In 22 days I'll be a bride. Wow! So I think it's time to blog  - write my thoughts about the upcoming days and my life as a newly wed. Some details may be vague until the wedding - I'm a high school teacher with a few former students that are searching for any clues as to where we are getting married so they may "crash" our wedding. I love all my students, but I really don't feel like being teacher and bride all in one day - even if it's just my former students.

My wonderful Fiancee (Danial) and I have been talking a lot about the wedding recently. Last night he brought up the the next time the calendar flips, he and I will be married. I'm excited and very happy to be marrying my best friend, but it seems like a dream still. I've been in my best friend Rachel's wedding and I've been a guest at a handful of weddings, but this time its my turn. Really? We've been planning for almost a year. My check list has very little left on it. Yet, somehow, still feels like it's not real. I'm sure it will really start sinking in soon.

Sunday is my bridal shower that I know NOTHING about! My matron of honor (Rachel) insited on planning it for me and has kept everything except the day, time, and guest list a secret. She's even saying I can't come and help set up at my own Mother's house - the house I grew up in! I love her to death for it though! I'm anxious to see Danial and my family and friends at this gathering. Hopefully I can post some pictures of it next week.

So here goes; 22 more days until I'm a Mrs! I can't wait!

Our countdown as of 1:20pm on June 1st.

One of my favorite engagement pictures - Myself, Dan, and our dog, Daisy.

We're making the biggest promise ever!