I knew it had been awhile since I blogged, but I didn’t
realize just how long it had been.
So today is September 26, 2012 which means Dan and I have
been married for 3 months and 2 days. All is still well and the newly wed sprit
is still there, I’m just not here (home) as often. I went back to work again
and its as busy (if not busier) as ever. This year on top of the teaching and
play directing I am also co-sponsor for student council. I love it and have a
great teacher that co-sponsors with me, but it does take more time away from
home. Dan comes with me to some events though and we try to make it out to many
of the sporting events at the school. That’s one thing he’s always been willing
to do and one of the many things I love about him. My students love it to! He’s
practically a celebrity when we walk in anywhere. They call him “Manycandy” so
we hear “Oooo its Campbell [Hixon if they remember] and Mancandy” whenever we
walk in to a school event. It cracks me up! At least they know we care.
Despite my busy schedule I’ve been trying my hardest to be
Mrs. Suzy Homemaker. Its actually been really fun planning and fixing meals.
Some days it just doesn’t happen. Others I make some awesome stuff. The other
night I used some cinnamon pear balsamic vinegar to make some pork chops. They
were VERY good! Currently there are chia pumpkin cookies in the oven (although
mainly making them for my Dad who LOVES both chia tea and pumpkin anything).
Another find from Pintrest (which that is a link to the exact pin I have) that is so good.
On a healthier note, I’m very proud of Dan and I. We haven’t
done much in the fitness world since the wedding. I tried to get in the gym throughout
the summer, but it just didn’t seem to happen. Well Monday we decided that
enough was enough and we weren’t allowed to sit on our rump all the time so we
became members at the family fun plex down the way from us. They have an indoor
pool, basketball courts, an indoor track, and a workout room plus we can go to
another location that has a bit more (kind of like a YMCA type gym). We have
gone twice in one week and I’m hoping to make it there at least 3 times a week
to do some kind of work out. It’s good for us to be working out and having the
routine. Although rehearsals are starting so there will be points that it may
not be possible, but I’m sure going to try!
Well cookies are almost done and then its bed time! Another
day of work tomorrow and then Friday! Defiantly looking forward to the weekend!